ABS Academy is uniquely designed for people who want to learn and master the world’s most known ERP system; SAP Business One, as well develop their business and project management skills.
Whether you’re interested in learning how to use specific ERP modules, or simply want an introduction to the concepts that underpin ERP project management tactics; we've put together a training program that will help you be prepared for today's competitive market.
The academy will be a series of interactive face-to-face sessions with industry and software solution experts in Amman, Jordan.
Key Concepts
Everyone! Whether you're a fresh graduate looking to add value to your resume, or an experienced professional seeking to improve your ERP and management skills; this course will surely suit your every need.
Our team will reach out to you shortly and answer any inquiries you may have.
Advanced Business Solutions was founded in 2010 with a clear mission to help people transform their businesses through comprehensive, affordable, world-class software solutions.