
Create a data-driven culture with business intelligence for all.

Enable everyone at every level of your organization to make confident decisions using up-to-the-minute analytics. Give your business the ability to react to changing market trends.

Excel Reports & Interactive Analysis

Microsoft Excel is one of the most popular analytics tools that has been around for ages. With Interactive Analysis, you can integrate your spreadsheets with your SAP Business One system in real-time.
Excel Interactive Analysis
SAP Business One Analytics

Power BI by Microsoft

Find clarity when you need it most. Empower team members to discover insights hidden in your data with Microsoft Power BI.
SAP Jordan

Search, access, and transform public and internal data sources with Power Query

SAP Jordan

Easy data modeling and lightning fast in-memory analytics with Power Pivot

SAP Jordan

Bold new interactive data visualizations with Power View and Power Map

Power BI Mobile App

Microsoft Power BI

Native apps for iPad, iPhone, Android and Windows devices

Receive alerts to important changes in your data

Share and collaborate with colleagues and take action

Upgrade your reporting capabilities today